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Аmerican curl longhair cat breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Аmerican curl longhair

Main characteristics of the breed

Need for activity:Need a moderate amount of exercise
Tail type:Long
Ear type:Straight-eared
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Long - haired
Learnability:Easy to learn
Склонность к мяуканью:Often meows
Relationship with owner:friendly, Open

The American Curl is a cat breed that sets itself apart from other cat breeds with its unique appearance, including curled ears and curled tail.
The American Curl has a short coat that comes in a variety of colors and shades. The ears of this breed are one of its most characteristic features. They are shell shaped and twist outward giving it a unique look.
This cat breed is known for being friendly and outgoing. They love people very much and often become real family members. The American Curl is also very active and loves to play.
In general, the American Curl cat is an excellent choice for those who are looking for not only a beautiful, but also a friendly and active pet.

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