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Chantilly cat breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed


Main characteristics of the breed

Need for activity:Need a moderate amount of exercise
Tail type:Long
Ear type:Straight-eared
Character:Playful, Curious
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Long - haired
Learnability:Easy to learn
Склонность к мяуканью:Often meows
Relationship with owner:friendly, Open

Chantilly - Tiffany is a breed of cats that was bred in the United States in the 1930s. These cats have long, thick fur and large ears that give them a resemblance to elves. They are very friendly and affectionate, and perfectly suited for family life. Chantilly-tiffany is also known for its ability to learn and obey.

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