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Laperm longhair cat breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Laperm longhair

Main characteristics of the breed

Need for activity:Need a moderate amount of exercise
Tail type:Long
Ear type:Straight-eared
Character:Playful, Curious
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Long - haired, Curly
Learnability:Easy to learn
Склонность к мяуканью:Often meows
Relationship with owner:friendly, Open

Laperm is a cat breed that was bred in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. It takes its name from the Hawaiian city of La Perouse, where it first appeared. The eyes of laperms are usually blue or green, and the ears are large and wide.
LaPerms are very friendly and sociable, they love to play and spend time with people. They are also very intelligent and learn new commands easily. However, due to their long coat, LaPerms may require more grooming than other cat breeds. They need to brush their coat regularly and monitor its condition to avoid tangles and other problems.

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