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Beagle-Harrier dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed


Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Virtually do not need care
Molt:Sheds very little or almost no shedding
Need for activity:Need a moderate amount of exercise
Domination:Lowest level
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Smoothhaired, Shorthaired
Friendly to strangers:Restrained
Intellect:Working intelligence
Learnability:relatively easy to learn
Specialization:Hunting, Service, Decorative
Tendency to bark:Bark only for warning, not for long

In the early 18th century, dog breeders bred beagles and harriers to produce large beagles that could chase horses when hunting. As a result, a century later, the Beagle Harrier was born. Despite its relatively short history, the breed has already managed to show that it is not inferior to its close relatives either in appearance or in working qualities. A strong, muscular hunting dog with short, coarse hair. A hardy hunting dog, it usually hunts in packs. They are fast, brave and intelligent, and can hunt deer, rabbits and foxes.

Very affectionate, sociable and friendly dogs. They are very energetic and love to play. With proper socialization, they get along well with other dogs and are ideal for families with children. The Beagle Harrier is very attached to its family and cannot stand being alone. They can bark continuously until the owner comes.

The excessive friendliness of Beagle Harriers also has a downside: they are too trusting of strangers. As a result, they are completely unsuitable for protecting a home or territory.

City residents should remember that Beagle Harriers are very vocal and talkative. Lack of exercise will only make the barking worse and make your dog uncontrollable.
Beagle Harriers are hunting dogs and should not be let off-leash when out on walks. They may lose their instincts and start following your scent.

Training and raising dogs of this breed can be challenging. However, this should never be done forcefully. Because if a Beagle Harrier doesn't see the point in doing something, he will never do it. This stubbornness is explained by the independence that is required of the breed during hunting. The dogs themselves had to decide where and how to pursue the prey.
If you live in an apartment, remember that the Beagle Harrier is a fairly noisy breed. To control barking, you need to be diligent in training and satisfying their need for exercise. On average, a Beagle Harrier needs an hour's walk per day, or 30 km per week.

Since these dogs love fun, walks should be varied with various games. Beagle Harriers also enjoy stimulating their intelligence and physical strength. For example, you can start teaching them to find objects by smell.

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