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Norwegian Lundehund dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Norwegian Lundehund

Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Need a little care
Molt:Sheds heavily seasonally
Need for activity:Need a lot of physical activity
Tolerance of loneliness:Relatively independent
Type of wool:Smoothhaired
Friendly to strangers:May show aggression
Intellect:Working intelligence
Learnability:Very easy to learn
Specialization:Hunting, Shepherd's
Tendency to bark:They love to bark

The Norwegian Lundhund is a breed of dog bred to hunt hares and foxes. They have a long body and short legs, which allows them to move easily over rough terrain.
The Norwegian Lundhund has a keen sense of smell and eyesight, making it an ideal hunter of small animals. They also have good speed and stamina, allowing them to chase prey over long distances.
These dogs are very friendly and sociable, they love to play with children and other animals. They are also very loyal to their owners and can make great companions for people who value an active lifestyle.

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