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Devon Rex cat breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Devon Rex

Main characteristics of the breed

Need for activity:Need a lot of physical activity
Tail type:Long
Ear type:Straight-eared
Character:Playful, Sociable and sociable
Tolerance of loneliness:They really need people
Type of wool:Shorthaired
Learnability:Very easy to learn
Склонность к мяуканью:Often meows
Relationship with owner:friendly

The Devon Rex is a shorthaired cat breed that originated in the UK in the 1960s. These cats have short and fluffy coats that come in a variety of colors including blue, cream, red, black, and more. They have large eyes that can be of different colors and small ears that are close to the head.
Devon Rex are known for their unique coat, which has a wavy texture and comes in a variety of lengths. This wool is very soft to the touch and easy to comb. Devon Rex cats also have long tails that come in a variety of colors and sizes.
These cats are very active and love to play. They are also very affectionate and friendly, making them great companions for children and adults alike. The Devon Rex is also known for its ability to adapt to a variety of living conditions, making it ideal for both apartment and home living.

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