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Foreign White cat breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Foreign White

Main characteristics of the breed

Need for activity:Need a moderate amount of exercise
Tail type:Long
Ear type:Straight-eared
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Shorthaired
Learnability:Very easy to learn
Склонность к мяуканью:Practically does not meow
Relationship with owner:friendly

Foreign White is a unique cat breed that is distinguished by its unusual appearance. These cats have a snow-white coat, which looks very beautiful and attractive. They also have large green eyes which make them even more adorable. Foreign Whitey are very affectionate and gentle cats who love to spend time with their owners. They are great for apartment living as they don't require a lot of space and don't make a lot of noise. If you want to add a little exotic to your life, then Foreign White is the perfect choice for you!

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