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Griffon Nivernais dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Griffon Nivernais

Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Need a little care
Molt:Shed moderately
Need for activity:Need vigorous daily exercise
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Medium
Friendly to strangers:Restrained
Intellect:Working intelligence
Learnability:Very easy to learn
Specialization:Hunting, Companions
Tendency to bark:They love to bark

The Nivernai Griffon is a dog breed that originated in Switzerland. It is distinguished by its compact size, short legs and long body, as well as thick and fluffy hair. It is only about 53-58 cm in height and 23-26 kg in weight.
The Nivernai Griffon has a long and thick coat. This breed of dog is known for its friendliness and love for people, as well as high intelligence and trainability. They are easy to train and make great companions for their owners.
 Griffons are very active dogs that love to play and run.
Overall, the Nivernai Griffon is an affectionate dog that makes a great companion for anyone. They are highly intelligent, active and friendly, making them ideal for families with children and others looking for a loyal and loving friend.

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