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Hanoverian Scenthound dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Hanoverian Scenthound

Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Virtually do not need care
Molt:Sheds very little or almost no shedding
Need for activity:Need vigorous daily exercise
Tolerance of loneliness:Moderately addicted
Type of wool:Shorthaired, Smoothhaired
Friendly to strangers:Restrained
Intellect:Adaptive intelligence
Learnability:A bit difficult to learn
Tendency to bark:Bark only for warning, not for long

The Hanoverian Hound is a breed of hunting hounds bred in Germany in the 18th century. These animals have a slender body and long limbs, which allows them to quickly and dexterously move through the forest. The color of the Hanoverian hounds can be gray, brown or black, with thick and fluffy hair on the muzzle, ears and tail. These dogs have a high level of energy and stamina, making them good game hunters. They are also highly intelligent, easy to train and loyal to their owners.

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