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Hygen Hound dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Hygen Hound

Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Need regular care
Molt:Sheds heavily seasonally
Need for activity:Need a lot of physical activity
Tolerance of loneliness:They really need people
Type of wool:Shorthaired, Smoothhaired
Friendly to strangers:Fairly friendly
Intellect:Working intelligence
Learnability:Very easy to learn
Specialization:Hunting, Watch dogs, Companions
Tendency to bark:Bark only for warning, not for long

Hugen hunds are a breed of dog that was bred in Germany to hunt wild boars and deer. They have a long, muscular body, strong legs and powerful jaws. Hugenhunds are known for their endurance and ability to work in the wild.
These dogs have thick, hard fur that protects them from cold and moisture. Their coats come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, white, and grey. Hugenhunds also have large ears that help them hear sounds made by animals in the forest.
Hugenhunds are very energetic and active, they love to run and play. They are also great companions for people who enjoy outdoor activities. However, due to their high energy, they need regular exercise and play to stay healthy.

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