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Italian Volpino dog breed - photos and description

Photos of the breed

Italian Volpino

Main characteristics of the breed

Care:Virtually do not need care
Molt:Shedding constantly
Need for activity:Need a lot of physical activity
Tolerance of loneliness:They really need people
Type of wool:Wirehaired
Friendly to strangers:Restrained
Intellect:Instinctive intelligence
Learnability:A bit difficult to learn
Tendency to bark:They love to bark

The Volpino Italiano is a fluffy little dog, cheerful and sociable. The breed was bred in Italy and has long been known there. However, it is now very rare and rarely found in other countries. There are only a few hundred of them in their native country. This is a beautiful decorative dog, a faithful companion and an interesting friend for children.
   The breed is suitable for inexperienced dog owners and small apartments. You can learn more about the pros and cons of these dogs by studying their descriptions and reviews from owners.
  Volpino Italiano is also known as the Italian or Florentine Spitz. The meaning of the name can be understood by the appearance of the dog - these are typical small Spitz dogs. Volpino is translated from Italian as “fox”. In the past, this breed was also known as a palace dog and was kept in palaces and noble castles, where it was considered sacred.

  However, the breed was popular among people from all walks of life. They were loving, loyal friends, vigilant and fearless protectors. Due to their positive nature, they are often used for canistherapy. They can take part in competitions in canine sports: agility, frisbee, freestyle.
  The Vulupino Italiano dog breed is the most fussy and sociable of all Spitz breeds. They require constant human attention. They are cheerful and try to stay close to their owner. They participate in everything their owners do and never get bored. They adapt well to human behavior and character traits. Sensitive and never intrusive.

  Italian children love Spitz dogs and are patient with them. They love to play and never get angry. Suitable as a first pet for a teenager. Young children need to be taught to respect dogs.

  Volpino Italiano is very wary of strangers. He has an innate instinct for caution and excellent hearing. They react to the approach of strangers by barking. However, they never show aggression. They are equally peaceful towards other pets.
  Representatives of the breed are smart, quick-witted and compliant. Because they do not have dominant tendencies, Volupinos could become a new breed. However, education and socialization should begin from the first day the puppy appears in the house. During this period, small Spitz dogs can be stubborn.

  With the right training, you can teach a Volpino Italiano various commands and tricks. Training does not last long. Often training is combined with play and rewarding the pet with treats and affection. It is important to stop excessive barking from an early age. Volpino females are obedient and affectionate, while Volpino males tend to be more stubborn.

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